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Connecting to controllers

Communication with the NV200D controller can be handled over either serial (via a usb connection) or over telnet (via ethernet). The NV200D class in this library provides both methods to connect to these controllers along with a means to find the correct i.p. address of a controller attached to the same network your computer is on by searching for the controllers MAC address. In each of these examples the user is requried to to use the Connection enum class in order to specifiy the correct type of connection that is to be established.

Connecting over serial (USB)

As an example, connecting over serial can be done as follows. Here /dev/ttyUSB1 corresponds to serial-over-usb port 1 when using Linux, for Windows this is this instead might be COM1.


from pypiezosystemsjena import NV200D, Connection

nv200d = NV200D(psj.Connection.usb, port="/dev/ttyUSB1")


Connecting over the network

Alternatively if the NV200D is attached to the network and its i.p. address is known then a connection can be made like so.


from pypiezosystemsjena import NV200D, Connection

nv200d = NV200D(Connection.ethernet, ip_address="")


Searching via MAC address

As a final option, if the controller is attached to the network but you can meet the following conditions:

  1. You know the MAC address of the controller (found on a sticker on the underside fo the controller)
  2. You know the address of the network that both your computer and the controller are connected to

If this is the case then you can use the i.p. address of the network and the MAC address of the controller to establish a connection.


from pypiezosystemsjena import NV200D, Connection

# i.p. address of network the controller is attached to
base_ip_address = ""

MAC_address = "00:00:00:00:00:0A"

nv200d = NV200D(


Finding controllers on the network

A typical use case of these controllers would involve having multiple of them connected to the same network. For example the network layout below might look familiar to you scenario where you have perhaps a pair of mirrors to control requiring four independent controllers that are all then connected to a router or an ethernet switch.

graph TB
    subgraph Network
    B[Router or Switch]

    subgraph Mirror 1
    C[X-axis] <-.-> B;
    D[Y-axis] <-.-> B;

    subgraph Mirror 2
    E[X-axis] <-.-> B;
    F[Y-axis] <-.-> B;

    A[My Computer] <---> B[Router or Switch];

The problem we face in using the controllers like this is finding the correct i.p. address of each of them to connect to. Fortunately each controller has a unique identifier in the form of a MAC address, for the NV200D/Net modules you should be able to find this on a sticker on the controllers underside.

This library comes with a utility to match each MAC address with its corresponding i.p. address on the network. For convenience it also requires that you supply a label for each of the MAC address you search for to help with identifying and distibguishing bewtween them later.

This functionality can be used like so:


from pypiezosystemsjena import find_device

# dictionary of labels and MAC address
mac_addresses = {
    "x1": "00:00:00:00:00:0A",
    "y1": "00:00:00:00:00:0B",
    "x2": "00:00:00:00:00:0C",
    "y2": "00:00:00:00:00:0D",

# i.p. address of your network, in this case we have are connected to a
# switch, if you were instead connected to a router this might instead be    
# "home" i.e.
base_ip = ""

controller_ids = find_device(mac_addresses, base_ip)

If this was successful you will see the contents of a dictionary, much like the one shown below.


        connection_type=<Connection.ethernet: 2>,
        connection_type=<Connection.ethernet: 2>,
        connection_type=<Connection.ethernet: 2>,
        connection_type=<Connection.ethernet: 2>,

Tip-Tilt stages

Tip-Tilt stages are a common use for these controllers and require that a pair of them are used in tandem, one for each axis. Configuration and use of devices used in this way can be made simpler by use of the TipTilt class. Creating a TipTilt object can be done as shown below by searching using the i.p. addresses of the target devices, here those are found by searching for their respective MAC addresses.


from pypiezosystemsjena import find_device, LoopMode, ModulationSource, TipTilt

# dictionary of labels and MAC address
mac_addresses = {
    "x": "00:00:00:00:00:0A",
    "y": "00:00:00:00:00:0B",

# i.p. address of your network, in this case we have are connected to a
# switch, if you were instead connected to a router this might instead be    
# "home" i.e.
base_ip = ""

# find our controllers
controller_ids = find_device(mac_addresses, base_ip)

# using our "x" and "y" labels we can conveniently construct a TipTilt
# mirror with correctly aligned axes
tip_tilt_mirror = TipTilt(controller_ids["x"], controller_ids["y"])

# closed loop so we can set positions in mrad
tip_tilt_mirror.loop_mode = LoopMode.closed

# set modulation source as "usb_or_ethernet" to allow serial control of position
tip_tilt_mirror.modulation_source = ModulationSource.usb_or_ethernet

The two arguments of the TipTilt class are identifiers containing a label, a connection type and details of the connection. From this it is then made convenient to for example connect one axis over serial and the other over ethernet should that be required. The identifier has the following structure:

class ControllerID:
    label: str
    connection_type: Connection
    connection_details: Union[str, NetworkConnection]

As an example, the TipTilt object can be made to move in a circular motion. For this the motion (or voltage in open-loop operation) ranges are needed for the axes. In the case of closed-loop operation this is relatively straight forward as the motion range is symmetric about its centre. Here we define our angles from 0 to 2\(\pi\) and then scale them accordingly. We can then iterate through each position and send them those acuator positions to the controller.


import numpy as np

angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 1000)

sine = np.sin(angles)
sine = sine / np.max(sine)
sine = sine * tip_tilt_mirror.axis_x.upper_motion_range_limit

cosine = np.cos(angles)
cosine = cosine / np.max(cosine)
cosine = cosine * tip_tilt_mirror.axis_y.upper_motion_range_limit

for i in range(angles.size):
    tip_tilt_mirror.go_to_position(sine[i], cosine[i])

# Alternatively you could use zip instead of tracking an index
for s, c in zip(sine, cosine): 
    tip_tilt_mirror.go_to_position(s, c)